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Complying with the implementation of the current legislation approved to grant the delivery of resources to families in critical social situations and exceptionally for presenting a serious situation of health, disability or lack of economic income due to the impossibility of working. < / p>

Resolutions: 29 of the MTSS

                    442 of the MINSAP

                   217 of the MINSAP

                  264 of the MINCIN

  1. The delivery of resources must be adjusted to the real possibilities of the economy. Its granting is of an exceptional nature, based on serious situations of health, disability or lack of income due to the impossibility of working.
  1. The resources are marketed in the MINCIN retail network, at prices without subsidies, from having the financing in the plan for their acquisition, and may also use merchandise from abandonment, seizures and discards of tourism.

 The payment method will be, using the following modalities:

  1. For the resources that are not offered in the sales network released in CUP, the network of establishments linked to the Special Programs will be used, with one store per Municipality. This network will commercialize in a controlled way the resources framed in the Plan for this destination.
  1. The evaluation of these deliveries will be carried out in a collegial manner, through working groups, coordinated by the Director of Labor and made up of representatives of the Ministries of Public Health, Education and Internal Trade. The proposal for approval is presented to the corresponding People's Power Administration Council.
  1. Two levels of decision are established for the granting of resources:
  1. Annually, based on needs, financing for the production or acquisition of resources is included in the economy plan (MINCIN).