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The location is defined from the job location of the prioritized sources that include:

  • Graduates of Higher Education Level.
  • Graduates of Professional Technical Education.
  • Graduates of the Special Education and Trades School.
  • Graduates of Active Military Services.
  • Graduates of Penitentiary Centers and Sanctioned with subsidized sanctions.
  • Workers declared Available
  • Disabled
  • Unlinked

The Subdirectorate for Employment, establishes and controls the positions demanded by the entities in the territory and places them according to the order of priority of the prioritized sources, although some prioritized sources must self-manage their employment.

Graduates of Higher Education: Receive the centralized job placement to fulfill social service for a term of three (3) years.  

Graduates of Professional Technical Education: Your work location is conditioned to the Demand submitted each year by the entities of the territory. Upon graduation, he appears at the Municipal Employment Sub-Directorate and they are placed on the job to complete job training for a term of two (2) years.

When presenting to the institution, you must have your identity card and the completed study certification and the specialists issue as a document proving the location at the time of the interview with the graduate, the Work Placement Ballot, which you must present to the entity in which it is located.

Exceptionally when there is no possibility of employing these colleagues to carry out job training, they are reoriented in another activity and they are trained or trained or enabled in the profile.

Skilled workers graduated from this education, are placed against the post according to availability in the entities of the territory, they can be located in the non-state sector through the coordinating entities.

However, they can request to exercise their own activity or join non-agricultural cooperatives.

Graduates of Special Education and Trade Schools : Students graduated from Special Education and Trade School are placed against places, according to the availability of places in the entities in the territory and the specialties in which they were trained, since they do not carry out job training.

Graduates of active military services : They are placed in jobs previously reconciled with the employers of the territory, creating an Employment Exchange, proposing to them possible jobs. In turn, it is processed with priority when a licensee shows interest in the application for idle land in usufruct with the Municipal Delegation of Agriculture. These offers are made in the Military Units where the Soldiers, Cabos and Sergeants are about to graduate.

Graduates of Penitentiary Centers and Sanctioned with subsidized sanctions: The work placement of these figures is managed in the state sector and in the non-state sector as long as they are entities that generate a control of their attendance and punctuality at their workplace, which allows their reintegration into society. Exceptionally, you are authorized to exercise activity self-employed, when according to their area of ​​residence there is no other form of employment and those that exist are distant or in another locality and it is impossible to normally attend it. The work location will always be conditioned to others by the criminal case.

Declared Available Workers: The work location of the declared available workers is based on the principle that they have to manage their employment, notwithstanding through the positions controlled and located in the Municipal Directorate of Labor and Social Security are offered the squares taking into account their cultural level.

Disabled: The job placement of disabled people is managed based on their interest in working, the type and degree of disability and availability of ordinary and special employment that are available.

Disconnected: The work location is conditioned to their cultural level, the interest to insert themselves into employment and the existing availability in the territory.

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